Monday 24 November 2014

Research and continued story development.

To come to a conclusion of the tale of my film I drew inspiration from some of my favourites which have tugged on many heart strings.

The fault in our stars which debuted in the summer took the world by storm with the reluctant Hazel Grace and the adventurous Augustus Waters. This movie inspired my piece in so many ways which I shall state.

- The Normal boy meets girl/girl meets boy didn't feel so typical in this film. The circumstances in which they met were far from ordinary. In fact it was by chance which makes the journey towards their relationship all the more sweet and also doomed by limitations. I tried to depict that in my script by having my main characters meet out of life's choosing. I feel this has a better effect as it evokes a sense of mystery as to what can happen between two people.

- The plot twist at the end is absolutely incredible! Instead of the expected - Hazel Grace dying, It's the brave and kind hearted Augustus that takes a fall. Now many would be disappointed because he is such a sweet character, but any audience will admit they love the unexpected. In a way this is what made the film special. It's always a girl changing a boy's life but for once it was the other way round. A good guy helping a girl blinded by rage see the beauty there is in life when you choose not to be blinded. In my story I felt it would be lazy to take the same route. I took a more drastic turn and ended both of my characters. I chose to do this because I feel life isn't made up of only happy endings and sometimes we leave without knowing truth about feelings, thoughts etc. In my story Jeremy commits suicide upon hearing about Maryanne's death. It's a bitter sweet ending - Maryanne dying in peace having found meaning and love in her life, and Jeremy dying in eternal rage against her for ever leaving without mentioning the most important truth.. Plot twists are very important because they are what gives the story a climax and tension in the audience whenever something intense happens.

- Finally, I love this movie in general and wanted to see if I could challenge myself to tell a story about two people in the way they did.


Now is good tells the story of 17 year old Tessa suffering from leukaemia. With little time left she embarks on a journey of spontaneity and rebellion with the new and cute neighbour.

- This film is more about a girl who never lived and takes the opportunity to in her last few days. Although your typical love story is involved the main focus of the film is hardly love at all but living and enjoying every moment with those that matter the most. This film particularly inspired the character of Maryanne who discovers she will die in three weeks. having lived a life led by depression she embarks on a journey of self discovery through her relationship with Jeremy.


Never let me go tells the unfortunate story of three kids, and the fragility of life.

This film is one that evokes emotion and is one of my inspirations because every film should aspire to move people in some way. What I loved most about this move was it's ability to take me through a range of emotions over the course of the entire film. Having said that, I wanted to adopt this in my script. I wanted the audience to feel their emotions at every point and empathise with them. I was able to do this by using emotive language in my script and creating a grim mood with brief moments of happinness between two people. Doing this would allow me to completely crush my audience as they would have built up hope for these characters only to be crushed with their doom.

All in all, I think these films are good ones to watch especially when writing about love and death and other things in-between.


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