I always tend to lean more towards serious subject matters when writing up my pieces, and this script is no exception. I'm looking for someone that can really explore and revel in the depth's of my main character's personality and story. Having looked at several profiles on casting call pro, I decided Sophie Airdien was a decent choice for my casting. She was talented, had the look I was after (more exotic and different) and more importantly, had the experience in the type of role I was casting for.
Below is a character analysis outlining important details about my character and how I expect my cast to reflect my character's traits and story.
Emily (Main character/protagonist), 22, Female:
Body: Slim and slender in a seductive, Bond girl kind of way. Long legs and small waist. For negligee or night slip/underwear.
Personality: A learned sophistication, educated. charming, eloquent, funny, well mannered // Polar opposite// Lazy, messy, clumsy,
Lifestyle: 70's elegance, life of the party, Travelling, In and out of hotels etc
Types of clothing I hope to use for my character Emily:
This type of set will be worn in my second scene where she sits on the edge of her bed and we see a past altercation come up as a memory on screen. I think this will work well in describing my kind of character as it boasts an ease in seduction yet a dark side to her that is more than just a cute set. It's in the way she walks talks and behaves and we will see this when she wears this piece.
Other clothing sets I had in mind all follow along with the seductive theme and adult nature of my story. This is mainly because I want to put my character in the minds of the audience as someone who wears sensuality on her shoulders in a graceful manner. This will be a good way of unraveling her character when things take a left turn with a client. We will then see that this calculated perfection doesn't come as easy as we think it does, I'm aiming for everything about her to be so perfect that it is imperfect in the way it is all so well composed and held together, Her clothing style and home interior will reflect a quintessential fashionable manner in the way she carries herself and deals with things. I will be using my friends home as it has not been refurbished since it was redone in the 70's and still holds a unique charm that is no longer found in modern homes. My inspiration to use his place came from the directions unit project and the image I used for the sound direction aspect of the project. It had a very cute and sweet feel to it, yet it was also intriguing and aged in a way that completely hindered its sweetness.

I will be adding props to my boyfriend's room to dress it up in a more feminine way - makeup, mirror, female underwear in a dresser and jewelry and accessories - and will add some cute touches to also make it better suited to the personality of my main character. I hoping that the choice of black for her clothing won't take away from the warm atmosphere of the room so in case of this.
Gianbruno, will be my vocal artist/narrator for the piece and will play the role of a previous lover in Emily's flashbacks. I chose him because he seemed suitable for my role with vast experience in student productions from other universities. In addition,his voice reel was good and gave me a clear idea of what my project would sound like. I understand that Anthony would prefer to be the vocal artisrt for his poems and have reached out to him to ask if he is okay with this.